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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff, a trade union organisation, instituted summons in each of the five matters claiming for payment of trade union dues due to it in terms of a Collective Bargaining Agreement. The defendants in each of the cases raised a special plea of lack of jurisdiction averring that the collective bargaining agreement is a contract between an employer and employee and thus non-payment of trade union dues is a labour matter for which the High Court has no jurisdiction. More

The above two applications were dealt with together at the request of the parties as the issues involved arise from the same agreement and the parties are the same save for the fact that the applicant in the first matter is the first respondent in the second matter and the applicant in the second matter is the first respondent in the first matter. More

As the two matters involve the same subject matter they were consolidated for purposes of this trial. The determination of HC 8866/14 automatically determines the outcome of HC 8193/14. Although in HC 8866/14 Innocent Paradzayi Makwiramiti (Mr. Makwiramiti) sued 6 defendants it is only Solomon Sigauke (Mr Sigauke) who defended the matter, so he is the only defendant in that matter. So these two cases HC 8866/14 and HC 8193/14 involve Mr. Makwiramiti and Mr. Sigauke only. More

The above matters were placed before me on automatic review in terms of s 57 (1) and (4) of the Magistrates’ Court Act, [Chapter 7:10]. I have decided to consolidate the reviews because the cases were heard before the same regional magistrate. More

The two matters came before me by way of automatic review. Since they were dealt with by the same magistrate and have a common flaw it is convenient to deal with the issue in one judgment. More

The four cases herein are of the same nature. Accused persons in all four matters were rightfully charged of having consensual sexual intercourse with minors. However, in all cases, all the accused persons succumbed to the same fate of incorrect sentencing. I shall then turn to deal with the factual issues of each and every case. More

In this contested matter the applicant approached the court seeking the court to direct the Registrar General to issue the applicant with a National Identity document and to replace the applicant’s passport upon application and payment of the prescribed fees. More