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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application filed as an Urgent Chamber Application by the applicant. More

The plaintiff instituted summons against the defendant for; a) payment of $101 781-60 being the value of diesel stolen and misappropriated by the defendant during his employment with the defendant More

The respondents are former employees of the applicant. They were retrenched in 2012. They were paid their pensions in terms of s11 of the Public Service (Pension) Regulations, Statutory Instrument 21A of 2001 (the Regulations). More

At the hearing of this matter both parties were in agreement that the factual issues were not contentious and they submitted a statement of the undisputed facts to the court and mutually agreed on the issues that the court had to determine after hearing argument. More

The applicant was arrested for theft of a motor vehicle. He was remanded in custody. He applied for bail pending trial. The respondent, the State, opposed the application. More

he appellant was convicted of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to 24 months imprisonment of which 8 months imprisonment were suspended for 5 years on condition of good behaviour. Of the remaining 16 months imprisonment, 6 months were suspended on condition the appellant made restitution of the sum of US$3 922-00 to the complainant before a specified date and the balance of 10 months imprisonment were suspended on condition that he performs 350 hours of community service at Marlborough Police Station. He appeals against his conviction... More

The plaintiffs seek an order for-reimbursement of the purchase price paid to the defendant for a stand. The defendant sold stand 9547 Tynwald North, Township of Tynwald to the plaintiffs for $7 000, 00 in July 2010. Transfer of the stand was not effected into the plaintiffs’ names as the stand was not fully serviced. More