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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an opposed chamber application in which the applicants wish to reinstate an appeal. However, in view of the provisions of the Police Act [Chapter 11:10] that deal with matters that have appeared before a single officer, the issue is whether the appeal that they seek to reinstate is one that was validly before this court in the initial instance More

This is an application for review, in which the applicant seeks the setting asideof trial proceedings instituted against him by the respondents and for an order barring the respondents from conducting trial proceedings against the applicant in respect of the allegations for which the applicant was to appear before the first respondent. The application is opposed by the respondents. More

This application was placed before me in Chambers as an unopposed application. On 26 October 2016, the applicant had filed a suit against the respondent, claiming the sum of US$ 25 000-00 for adultery damages. She claims that the respondent has been involved in an adulterous relationship with her husband and that their unlawful union resulted in the birth of a girl child out of wedlock, in March 2017. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict directing the first and second respondents to restore the status quo ante at the first applicant’s place of business being number 9B Ridgeway South, Highlands, Harare, as well as prohibiting them from further interference with the terms and conditions stated in the second applicant’s operating licence. More

On 28 September 2010 the applicant and the first respondent entered into a Management Agreement. In terms of the Agreement the first respondent appointed the applicant as the executive management of the Club for fifty years enduring until the 30th of September 2060. More

After his trial on 9 June 2014 and at Mbare Magistrates Court, the appellant was convicted of theft in contravention of s 113 (2) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] and sentenced to 30 months imprisonment of which 12 months imprisonment were suspended for 5 years on condition of future good conduct with the remaining 18 months being suspended on condition of restitution. More

: On 14 July, 2016 I dismissed an interlocutory application wherein the applicant in the main divorce matrimonial matter HC 10414/14 sought to resile from an admission made at pre-trial conference. More