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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant seeks interim relief couched in the following terms: “TERMS OF INTERIM RELIEF SOUGHT Pending the final determination of this matter it is ordered that: 1. The operation of the purported termination of Applicant’s Content Distribution Service License Number CD 0004 through a letter dated 22 August 2017 signed by Second Respondent on First Respondent’s letterhead be and is hereby suspended. 2. Applicant shall be entitled to enjoy the full rights and benefits of its license as if the said letter of 22 August 2017 does not exist. 3. Applicant shall be entitled to distribute the Econet Media Limited... More

The parties agreed at the hearing of the urgent chamber application on 26 July 2017 that by consent a provisional order be granted staying the arrest and lodging of the applicant into prison in terms of a writ of execution granted under case number HC 4766/13 and HC 4261/16. Further, the second and third respondents were also interdicted from causing the arrest and lodging into prison of the applicant pursuant to the warrant of execution granted under the said cases pending the determination of the question whether the applicant had complied with his obligations as nominal defendant in terms of... More

The application before me is an application for review of the Sheriff’s determination. I shall summarise the facts leading up to the review below. The second respondent obtained default judgment against the applicant. The second respondent then obtained a writ of execution to sell the applicant’s undivided half share in a property jointly owned by the applicant and her husband. This writ was served on the applicant on the 9th of July 2013. In December of 2013 the applicant filed an application for rescission of default judgment under HC 10468/13. More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicants originally sought an Interim Order couched in the following terms: “Pending determination of this matter, the applicants is granted the following relief: 1. That the respondent or anyone claiming rights through him be interdicted from leasing Harare Trauma Centre situate at No. 15 Lanark Road Belgravia, Harare otherwise known as Harare Trauma situate at No. 15 Lanark Road, Belgravia. More

This is an application for an order for stay of execution of a High Court order under HC 5652/11 pending determination of proceedings under HC263/17. More

In the present matter, applicant, who is a qualified and registered pharmacist is desirous of obtaining declaratory and other relief from this Court, so that she can carry out her business idea within the confines of the law. Her business idea is to compile and publish a database for the benefit of, and use by the public; of all medical services and providers of health care and registered drugs and their location, to enable the public to access that information in an efficient and cost-effective manner. She has established a company, of which she is a major share-holder called Medical... More

This application was placed before me through the chamber book seeking a curious order couched in the following terms: “It is ordered that: 1. The trial de novo ordered by the Honourable Justice ZHOU on 3 October 2012 under case number HC 5594/11, Ref case CA 44-5/10, Ref case no. CRB R479/05 refers to trial de novo already commenced and mentioned in para 1 of Justice MTSHIYA’s High Court Consent Order granted on 20 January 2010 under case No. HC 265/10 ref case No. CA 44-5/10, ref case No. CRB R 479/05. More