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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicants filed their notice of appearance to defend three (3) days outside the dies induciae. They were, at the time of filing the notice, automatically barred. This application aims at the removal of the bar. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the first defendant for the payment of US$94 652.00 being balance due for airtime recharge cards advanced to the first defendant on credit. The plaintiff was also seeking an order declaring specially executable a certain piece of land situated in the district of Bulawayo being Stand No. 92 Fortunes Gate Township 6 Lot 12 EF Matsheumhlope measuring 4159 square meters held under deed of transfer number 2520/2004. This property belongs to the second defendant who is a director and shareholder of the first defendant. In 2011 he registered a mortgage bond as security for the... More

On 13 March, 2017 I perused the documents filed of record, heard counsel and delivered an ex tempo judgment. It read: “IT BE AND IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. The first and second respondents shall, within ten days of service of this order, provide the third respondent with sufficient police manpower and equipment to maintain the peace while the third respondent enforces the writ of ejectment in case number SC 45/12. 2. The first and second respondents shall pay costs of suit. [emphasis added]” More

The particulars of the plaintiff’s claim are set out in detail in the judgment in which absolution from the instance was refused, HH 598-16. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the magistrate sitting at Murambinda Magistrate Court handed down on 19 November 2012. Upon hearing arguments we dismissed the appeal on 14 May 2013. These are our reasons for the dismissal More

I heard this application sixteen (16) months ago. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I dismissed it with costs. I entertained the view that the reasons which I spelt out at the time were sufficient to put the matter to rest. More

The applicants, who are non-managerial employees of SMM Holdings, made an application to the respondent seeking leave to institute proceedings against SMM in terms of s 6 of the State-Indebted Insolvent Companies Act [Chapter 24:27]. More