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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff sued the defendant for payment of the sum of $236 520-45 together with interest from 18 November 2013 being the date of demand and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. More

The applicant filed a court application in May, 2012. The application was set down as an opposed matter in May, 2014. In his founding affidavit, the applicant referred to the judgment in HC 7610/06 between the same parties. The judgment was handed down on 21 May, 2008 and the last part read as follows: More

This court has time and again held that where an employee stands suspended or dismissed, he ceases to have any right to possess or occupy company property that he had entitlement to use as part of his employment benefits during the tenure of his employment. This is so unless the employee can prove some legal entitlement to continue holding onto the property. This call has generally gone unheeded as this court continues to be swamped with rei vindicatio applications by former employers seeking to reclaim their properties. This is one such case. More

At the conclusion of the hearing in this matter the appeal was dismissed with costs. It was indicated that the reasons would follow in due course. I now set them out hereunder. More

This is an application by the defendants for absolution from the instance at the close of the plaintiff’s case. The plaintiff’s claim which was instituted by way of summons for provisional sentence is for payment of a sum of US$2 506 132-86, together with interest thereon as stated in the summons, collection commission and costs of suit on the attorney-client scale. More

The applicant approached this court, by way of Chamber Book seeking an order in the following terms: “1. The defendant shall pay to Plaintiff the sum of US$3 629 586.57 together with interest thereon at the rate of 15% per annum calculated from 1st October 2014 to date of full payment. 2.Defendant shall pay Plaintiff’s costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale” More

Applicant issued summons against the defendant claiming $91 592.03 arising out of money lent and advanced to the defendant, 17% interest thereon in terms of the loan agreement, a declaration that stand 3051 Bluff Hill Township of Lot 13 of Bluff Hill measuring 2 9644 hectares is especially executable, More