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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 7 October, 2016 the respondent filed an urgent chamber application with the court. It did so under Case No. HC 10216/16. More

This is an application for an interdict in which the applicants seek a mandatory interdict against the respondents, compelling them to pay the applicants their end of project benefits as per their promise. The applicants are all former employees of Constitution Parliament Select Committee (COPAC) mandated to draft the Constitution of Zimbabwe. COPAC winded up their activities in 2013 by drafting a draft constitution and submitting a report to the Parliament of Zimbabwe. More

J: The plaintiff claims $286 070.71 being outstanding balance of an exit package. The plaintiff was employed by the defendant as a Senior Staff Officer Administration. He was put on forced leave resulting in him approaching the Labour Court seeking to revoke the suspension and reinstating him. An order by consent was granted by the Labour Court on April 2008. The plaintiff submitted that the defendant has failed to comply with the consent order and approaches the court for an order compelling the defendant to fully comply with the agreement between the parties. The defendant’s position is that the exit... More

This application filed on 10 January, 2017 was accompanied by a certificate of urgency supporting the need to have the application heard on an urgent basis. It was averred that the applicant, a medical doctor was due to be evicted from her medical premises or surgery on 17 January, 2017. It was averred that the party seeking the applicant’s eviction appeared to have acquired the property in fraudulent circumstances. More

This is an application for rescission of a default judgment granted by this court on 31 March 2015. More

The applicant in this matter seeks condonation for late filing of an application for the review of a decision taken by the first respondent, the Master of High Court on 16 May 2008. More

Plaintiff and defendant were married to each other on 28 March, 1998 in Macheke, Zimbabwe. Plaintiff was 23 and defendant was 35 at the time they got married. More