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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicants are husband and wife. They are married in terms of the customary law of Zimbabwe and have two children. More

The appellant in this matter, a claimant in the court a quo had claimed ownership of a Ford Transit motor vehicle registration No ACU 3159 through interpleader proceedings. The court a quo dismissed his claim and aggrieved by such a decision he appealed to this court. More

: The plaintiffs issued summons against the defendants claiming: a) That the agreement of sale between the parties in respect of Lot 16 of Lot 20A of Waterfalls be and is hereby declared null and void. More

The applicants bring this application in terms of s 27 (4) of the Births and Deaths Act, [Chapter5:02], [hereinafter referred to as the Act]. The second applicant was married to the late Elias Jonathan Kanengoni, who for ease of reference, will be referred to as the late Kanengoni. She is the executor of the estate of the late Kanengoni and represents it. More

“Dead men fighting” best describes the scenario in this case. One Reuben Mutuda Jaravaza now deceased, sold an immovable property known as Stand 17321 Salisbury Township also known as 17321 Elephant Close Borrowdale to the now late Richard Makoni in 2002. Long after the two have passed on, a battle rages on as to whether the purchaser, the late Richard Makoni breached the terms of the agreement of sale. His estate seeks a declaratur confirming the purchaser’s rights, and transfer of the immovable property into the purchaser’s estate. The seller’s estate has defended this action. Left to settle the score... More

Esther Hodza-(“Esther”) and Steward Bank Limited (“Steward”) are parties to the current application.In February 2016,they entered into an agent-principal contract (“the contract”). More

Introduction. This is an application for bail which is necessitated by the termination of bail by the operation of law after an accused has pleaded to the charge. An accused person may be re-admitted to bail, on similar or other conditions that the court may in its discretion consider. It is my view that admission to bail pending trial and to bail once trial has commenced, are inquiries what are based on different considerations, because the circumstances will have changed. The basis on which bail is opposed pre-trial are not necessarily the same as that on which it is opposed... More