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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant has approached the court seeking to stay execution of an order granted in default under HC 7370/17 pending confirmation or discharge of the provisional order on the return date. More

The first and second applicants, the Mutasas, are husband and wife. Before me, they seek a stay of execution and return of removed goods pursuant to a default judgement in a matter relating to unpaid legal fees for services purportedly rendered by the first respondent, Nyakutombwa & Mugabe legal counsel, a firm of lawyers. More

The applicant and the respondent were married to each other till the 22nd April 2010 when their marriage was dissolved and a decree of divorce granted in case No. HH 74/2010. In granting the decree of divorce court also distributed the assets of the spouses. In the distribution of the assets the applicant was awarded, inter alia, stand number 1120 Prospect Township of Subdivision C of Prospect situate in the district of Salisbury. More

The applicant herein has applied for maintenance pendente lite and contribution towards her costs for divorce in terms of Rule 274 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The parties herein are husband and wife. The parties’ marriage of 36 years has hit turbulent times. This is happening when all the four children born of the marriage are adults. More

This was an application for variation of a divorce order granted in 2007. The applicant sought variation of the clause in the order which read as follows: “b) The defendant shall have the first option to buy out the plaintiff of her 50% share in the property within a month of the date of evaluation.” More

: Pursuant to an eviction order, evicting the appellant and all those claiming occupation through him, of the remaining extent of Farm 45 Truno Glendale and Plots 1, 4 and 5 of Dunmaglas Farm the appellant lodged the present appeal. The appellant’s grounds of appeal were visibly repetitive and an attempt to adduce evidence. More

The applicant seeks an interdict restraining the respondent from interfering with his farming operations at Subdivision 3 of farm 45, Glendale (the farm). More