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Court Judgements

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The applicant and the first respondent are fighting over who should occupy subdivision 3 of Farm 45, Glendale, Mashonaland Central (the farm), which is State land. The firstrespondent obtainedon 9 December 2016 a mandament van spolieundercase number HC 12380/16. On 13 December 2016, the applicant appealed against that order under case number SC 771/16. More

MUSAKWA J (in chambers, in terms of s 35 of the High Court Act): The National Prosecuting Authority filed a notice in terms of s 35 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06] to the effect that it does not support the appellant’s conviction and gave reasons for such concession. More

This matter was placed before me as a special case in terms of Order 29 r 199 of the High Court Rules, 1971. More

At the conclusion of the hearing of this matter, l delivered an ex temporae judgment. The applicant has requested for the reasons of the judgment. These are they. The applicant approached this court seeking an order in the following terms: “1. The respondent shall make available for inspection, by the Applicant’s legal practitioner in terms of Order 24 of the High Court Rules, the documents requested in the notice to produce documents for inspection filed under case No. H.C. 4372/15, within five days of the date of service of this order upon the Respondent. 2. The Respondent shall pay the... More

I notice that the defendant’s legal practitioner has misrepresented that she is unaware of the reasons why the court struck the appellant’s defence out at a reconvened pre-trial hearing of this matter; in circumstances where the order was given as a result of wilful non-compliance with the directions given by the court. More

This matter epitomizes the dangers inherent in the multiplicity of proceedings in different courts over basically the same dispute. This is clearly undesirable. More

Three persons stand out in this application. These are the applicant, one Amos Phiri and the first respondent. I shall respectively refer to them as Maguta, Phiri and Muvango. Maguta filed the current application. He stated that he purchased a Totoyta Corolla motor vehicle with registration number ADW 4685 [“the vehicle”] from Phiri. He said he purchased it in March, 2016. He paid $6000 for the vehicle, according to him. He moved the court to declare him the owner of the vehicle. More