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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant was convicted of contravening s 182 (2) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to 4 months’ imprisonment which was wholly suspended on condition that he complied with the order that was granted against him in 2012. He noted an appeal against conviction. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants claiming the following. a. The setting aside of the unlawful allocation of Stand No. 579 Arcon Township, Harare by the 2nd defendant to the 1st defendant. b. The eviction or ejectment of the 1st defendant from Stand No. 579 Arcon Township, Harare within 7 days of the date of granting of this order. c. The 1st defendant to be ordered to demolish the structures she erected on Stand no. 579 Arcon Township, Harare, upon her eviction, failure of which the plaintiff or the Sheriff of the High Court shall demolish the structures. d.... More

This is an application for the re-opening of the estate late Wilson Muchiyani Mudawini. The applicants are some of the children of the late Wilson Muchiyani Mudawini (hereinafter referred to as the Late Wilson) who died intestate at Bulawayo on 7 February 1994. More

This is an application for leave to execute pending an appeal. More

In March 2016 the applicant Grandwell Holdings ( Grandwell) which owns a 50% shareholding in Mbada Diamonds [Private] Limited (Mbada), a joint venture initiative for diamond mining in Chiadzwa obtained an interim order under HC 1977 /16 (HH 193-16). More

Upon considering the record of proceedings, heads of argument and hearing oral submissions in this appeal we upheld the appeal and made the following order that 1. The appeal hereby partially succeeds. 2. The order of the court a quo is set aside and substituted as follows: 3. The defendants’ shall pay $7 710 to the plaintiff. 4. Each party shall bear its own costs. These are the reasons for our disposition. More

The applicant and the first respondent entered into a lessor-lessee relationship respectively. They, on 16 July 1999, signed a notarial agreement of lease [“the lease”] The applicant let, and the first respondent hired, a certain portion of the property known as Harare Sport Club [“the property”]. This is situated in the District of Harare formerly Salisbury. More