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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant was convicted of contravening s 49 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was ordered to pay a fine of $200 or in default to undergo 3 months’ imprisonment. In addition, 2 months’ imprisonment was wholly suspended for 5 years on condition of good behaviour. The appellant was also prohibited from driving class 2 vehicles for 2 years. More

The applicant filed a chamber application which she called “chamber application for conversion of court application to an action claim”. In the chamber application she averred as follows: “Application is hereby made for an order in terms of the order/draft order annexed to this application on the grounds that: 1. Applicant issued a Court Application for a Declaratory Order in case No. HC 303/16 for her rights over stand No. 9162 Whitecliff. 2. 2nd Respondent has filed his notice of Opposition whilst 1st Respondent has not opposed the matter. 3. It is apparent from the papers that the versions of... More

The appellant is seeking the setting aside of an order of the Magistrates’ Court whereby the respondent successfully obtained a downward variation of maintenance set aside. More

The appellant was charged with 14 counts of fraud and 16 counts of theft. He pleaded not guilty but after a lengthytrial was convicted of all 14 counts of fraud and 2 counts (out of the 16) of theft. More

Prior to May, 2001 the applicant was the owner of a piece of land which is known as Glebe [“Glebe”]. Glebe is situated in the district of Goromonzi. It is 669.19 hectares in extent. More

The applicant issued summons against the respondents seeking an order that 1. 3rd to 5th respondents be ordered to vacate the remaining extent of “The Glebe” measuring 142.38 hectares which was allocated to the applicant; 2. The respondents be ordered to comply with and respect the order of the Administrative Court in case number LA2898/02; 3. The respondents be interdicted from harassing and interfering with the plaintiff and its affairs at “The Glebe” farm; 4. Any other document or authority in relation to the piece of land allocated to the plaintiff and captured in the order of the Administrative Court... More

The first applicant is a company duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The second applicant is the Director of the first applicant. More