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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a matter in which the applicant’s application was enrolled as an unopposed application on the unopposed roll on 22 June 2016. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Magistrates Court dated 3 October 2016. The appellant was charged with contravening section 3 (1) of the Gold Trade Act [Chapter 21:03] for unlawful possession of 100.68 grams of gold valued at US $3 724.00 without a licence or permit. The appellant pleaded guilty and was subsequently convicted and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. The 100.68g of gold was forfeited to the State. More

In this matter, the applicant came before me to seek confirmation of a ruling and order made in a matter involving the respondent and one Kennedy Chinosengwa (the claimant). Before the applicant, the claimant was appealing against an unfair dismissal. A conciliation hearing was held and it was unsuccessful. More

This was an application for rescission of a default judgment which l heard on 18 May 2017 and dismissed with costs. I delivered the judgment ex tempore and I have now been requested for the written reasons. More

Applicants sought the setting aside and nullification of the last will and testament of Pythias Nyamushanya executed at Mutare on 29 November 2006. First applicant sought to be declared the sole beneficiary of the matrimonial property namely Stand 1716 Umtali Township also known as No 7 Bain Drive Morningside, Mutare and an order that the other properties in the last will and testament for the late Pythias Nyamushanya be shared equally amongst all the beneficiaries named in the will including fourth and fifth respondents herein. More

The applicants applied for a constitutional declaratory order. They moved the court to declare that corporal punishment in school and in the home violates the rights of children as set out in sections 51, 53 and 81 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. They filed their application in terms of s 85 (1) (d) of the country’s Constitution (“the Constitution”). More

This is an application in terms Order 40 r 348A(5a) for an order suspending the sale in execution of the immovable property known as 2061 Bluffhill Township of Stand 1180 Bluffhill Township, Harare pursuant to a judgment granted against the applicants in Case No. HC 8106/15. More