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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a combined application for condonation of the late filing of an application for rescission of judgment and rescission of judgment. More

The applicant filed a chamber application seeking the following relief as set out in its draft order; “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That the respondents show cause to this Honourable Court on the return date why a final order not be granted in the following terms (a) That the 1st respondent shall not remove for sale the applicant’s property attached on 17th November, 2015 without further instructions from the 2nd respondent. (b) That 1st respondent pays costs of suit. TERMS OF FINAL ORDER GRANTED Pending the determination of this matter, the applicants are granted the following relief: 1. That the... More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order directing the respondents or any person acting on their behalf to return the property seized at the applicant’s premises on 14 November 2017. The applicant also seeks an order interdicting the respondents or any persons acting on their behalf from demanding from the applicant’s employees the passwords of the computers seized by the police and threatening to arrest the employees. More

These two cases were urgent chamber applications for an interdict pendente lite. Both were prepared and launched at about the same time. Counsel agreed I should consider them together even though in Case 2, Sylvia Choruwa v The Commissioner – General, ZIMRA, there was no formal hearing as such. More

On 23 May 2017, I delivered an ex tempore judgment granting the application for rescission of judgment after hearing the matter. Following a request for the written reasons, I hereby furnish them. The application was for rescission of a default judgment which was handed down on the 12th of October 2016 in HC 10562/13. The default judgment ordered the respondents and all those claiming occupation through them to vacate from House number 7434 Unit K, Seke Chitungwiza. Apparently, the first applicant is a sister in law to the second respondent. More

The respondent in this case approached the Magistrates Court seeking a prohibitory interdict against the appellants. The court a quo granted the appellants the relief as prayed for. More

E Ncube Payment of $9 750,00 being hiring costs incurred by the plaintiff during the period his vehicle was under repair. More