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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This was an application for bail pending appeal in which this court, after perusing the application and hearing counsel, this court was of the considered view that bail pending appeal be not granted as there were no prospects of success on appeal. More

The applicant is seeking an order for the cancellation of the Title Deed Number 2411/2012B registered in the name of the second respondent Mallan Zorodzai Chiswa, the return of his Mercedes Benz S 350 Registration Number AAH 0097 which is held by the second respondent as well as payment of costs on an attorney and client scale against the first and second respondents. More

This application for a declaratur seeks the following relief: “IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The Applicant be and is hereby allowed to join the Public Service Commission and capable of being employed as a teacher if she meets the desired job description. 2. The Respondents’ conduct against the Applicant be held to be unlawful and wrongful. 3. The Respondents to pay costs of suit on a client –attorney scale.” More

Most of the facts in this case are common cause. The undisputed facts are that on the 7th of October 2014 the plaintiff and the defendant entered into a Tobacco Contract Growing and Marketing Scheme on condition that the plaintiff would provide the defendant with financial and input support for the production of flue cured tobacco. The defendant was obliged to produce flue cured tobacco on 10 hectares of land yielding a minimum of 25 000kg of tobacco. The defendant was obliged to further repay the loaned amount at the end of the 2015 Tobacco Selling Season which was on... More

The plaintiffs issued summons against the defendant for damages for psychological trauma, pain and suffering allegedly caused to the first and second plaintiffs arising from Air Carriage. The allegations are that the first and second plaintiff who are minors, travelled on the defendant’s airline to South Africa on 30 March 2016. More

This is an application for specific performance, that is, to compel the respondents to pursue subdivision of proposed subdivision A of Lot 369 Highlands Estates of Welmoed within 5 days of receipt of this order failing which the Sheriff of Zimbabwe be and is hereby authorised to sign and submit all documentation required to facilitate and complete the process of subdivision. More

This is an appeal against additional revenue added back into the gross income of the appellant by the respondent in the amended assessments number 00114972 dated 5 June 2013 as further amended by assessment number 20200043 issued on 31 December 2013 in respect of the 2010 tax year and 00114970 dated 3 June 2013 as further amended by 20200045 issued on 31 December 2013 in respect of the 2011 tax year. More