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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This application is in terms of section 85 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Act (No.20), 2013 whereby the applicant seeks a declaratory order to the effect that the Petroleum (Mandatory Blending of Anhydrous Ethanol with Unleaded Petrol) (Amendment) Regulations, 2013 (No.1) otherwise referred to as Statutory Instrument 147A of 2013 is constitutionally invalid in that it violates his right to property as enshrined in s 71 (2) as read with s 71 (3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. It is an application between the applicant and the 1st Respondent, being the Minister responsible for the administration of the... More

This is an application for stay of execution of a judgment granted in chambers in case No. HC 6501/13 on 28 May 2014. More

On 2 September 2014 and 18 December, 2014, the appellant approached the third respondent and expressed an interest to buy an infill piece of land near Cecil Kopje in order to build a house for his son. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant for the following relief: (a) an order directing that the defendant pay to the plaintiff a pension in terms of the pensions contract signed between the plaintiff and the defendant alternatively in terms of the group pension agreement entered into between the defendant and the plaintiff’s former employer More

On 14 February 2017 after hearing both counsels and having considered the written submissions in the record we dismissed the appeal with costs. We gave an ex tempore judgment. On 2 May 2017 we were requested to avail written reasons for our disposition. More

This case first came to my attention by way of an urgent application under case number HC 10767/17. The parties were cited as Mike Jiri and Giant Munsaka as the applicants. The respondents were (1) Magistrate Chakanyuka N.O. (2) The Prosecutor- General (3) Chief Magistrate Mishrod Guvamombe N.O. and (4) Tariro Gwatidzo. The urgent application was for a stay of criminal proceedings in the Magistrates Court, the reason being that applicants suspected that the Magistrate was biased against them; and as a result they had sought that she recuse herself for refusing to furnish reasons why she had dismissed their... More

The applicant approached the court seeking an order compelling the respondent to comply with a specific portion of a divorce consent order under HC 12314/12 issued on 1st April 2014. More