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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants claiming specific performance in terms of an agreement between the parties, for payment of value of shares in the sum of $23 310.14. The plaintiff also claimed costs of suit. More

On 14 July, 2017, the applicant was convicted by the magistrate at Chegutu Court on two counts of theft a defined in s 113 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act), [Chapter 9:23]. The applicant was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment on the first count with 6 months suspended on conditions of good behaviour. On the second count he was sentenced to pay a fine of $100-00 or in default to serve a prison term of 3 months. More

The appellant was the applicant in the court a quo. In his founding affidavit, he stated that he lent US$10 000-00 to the first respondent on 4 September, 2014, payable on or before 4 October, 2014 in terms of a written agreement concluded on 4 September 2014. More

The second defendant has filed a special plea to the plaintiffs’ claims. The plaintiffs’ claims are based on the following synopsis. The first defendant is the Local Authorities Pension Fund, a registered Pension Fund. The second defendant is the plaintiffs’ former employer. The plaintiffs brought an action for payment of $1 570 783.20 being total benefits due and payable to them by the first defendant in terms of pension contracts entered into in respect of their retirement from service of the second defendant. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s appeals committee to dismiss the appellants. The first appellant was employed by the respondent as a buyer whilst the second appellant was employed as a stores controller. On 18 March 2016 the appellants faced allegations of breaching the respondent’s code of conduct. More

This is an application for rescission of a default judgment granted in favour of the respondent on 27 January 2016 under case number HC 12172/15. More

This is an application for a spoliation order. More