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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant approached this court on appeal irked by the dismissal of its application for rescission of judgment in terms of s 39 of the Magistrate Court Act [Chapter 7:10]. More

This is an application for quantification of damages based on a judgment by Honourable MURASI J. More

On 24 March 2015 the applicants and the respondents entered into an agreement of sale of a residential property called Stand Number 2537 of Zisalisali Lot 4, measuring 2000 square metres, held under Deed of Transfer Number 5126/2009 at a price of US$ 32 500,00. More

This is an application for the following declaratur in terms of s 14 of the High Court Rules Act [Chapter 7:06] 1. That the franchise agreement be and is hereby declared to have been terminated by notice given by the respondent on 31 March 2012. More

The applicant approached the court seeking an order for specific performance and costs of suits on a higher scale. More

The respondent sought eviction of the appellant from House No. B35 on the pretext that he had bought the property. The court a quo granted the order sought and Appellant aggrieved by that court’s decision appealed to this court. We upheld the appeal with costs and below are the reasons for our decision. More

On 7 March 2013 the parties hereto were divorced by this court and their matrimonial assets duly distributed between them. It is about the disposal of one asset, an immovable property, Stand No. 9406 Budiriro Township of Stand 11265 Budiriro Township (hereinafter referred to as “the property)” that the parties find themselves back in court again. Whilst each of the parties was awarded 50% share of the property, the respondent has remained in occupation since 2013 and the applicant is still to get his share of the award. In pursuant of his share the applicant has had a valuer appointed... More