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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 14 December 2012 the applicant filed an application in this court seeking to obtain the order framed as follows:- “It is ordered that: 1. Garnishee be and is hereby ordered to release all monies it holds in Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe CBZ Account Number 20051570077 or is owing to the judgment debtor; to the Deputy Sheriff Harare, until the writ of execution in case number HC 11077/12 is satisfied; and in any other accounts they may hold; on behalf of the debtor. 2. The judgment debtor shall pay costs of suit.” More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court dismissing with costs an application made by the appellants seeking an order declaring the appointment of certain ministers of government to be unconstitutional and, in the alternative, an order directing the first and second respondents to act in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. More

On 8 September 2017 I granted interim relief in favour of the present applicants interdicting the respondents from acting on the purported termination of applicant’s license through a letter signed by second respondent on first respondent’s letterhead. More

In this case, we quashed the conviction and sentence on account of the poor state of the record of proceedings. I now proceed to give the full reasons. The appellant was convicted of culpable homicide arising from a driving incident which occurred on 30 October 2015. This happened along Robert Mugabe Way, Harare. As he drove a commuter omnibus along the inner lane, and having crossed Chinhoyi Street, the appellant struck a pedestrian who was crossing the road. The pedestrian struck the windscreen before falling on the edge of the road on the right side. The pedestrian was taken to... More

This is an ex-parte chamber application for the registration of a restitution/ compensation order which was granted against the respondent by the Magistrates Court sitting at Harare on 8 February 2016 following her conviction in a criminal matter under case number CRB 6916/15. More

In 1989 the plaintiff married the defendant in terms of customary law. On 1 October 1994 their marriage was solemnised in terms of the Marriage Act, [Chapter 5:11] at Harare. More

This is a seemingly very simple case of theft in terms of section 113 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More