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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for the setting aside on review of the decision of the first respondent in terms of which the third respondent was held to have been married to the deceased LovemoreChipunzaSekeramayi (hereinafter referred to as “the deceased”), and for a declaration that the decision of the second respondent in terms of which the third respondent was declared to be a spouse of the deceased was null and void. The application is opposed by the third respondent. More

The respondent is a former employee of the applicant. His contract of employment was terminated. The papers filed in this matter show that the Labour Court dismissed his appeal and upheld the termination of the contract of employment. The respondent according to the papers in this matter, has instituted proceedings for leave to appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court. More

This is a matter in which a pre-trial conference was held between the two parties The main dispute between the parties was settled but the bone of contention between the parties was the question of costs. More

The applicant is praying for judgment against second defendant as follows: (a) US$ 4 297 170.00 (b) US$ 80 000.00 and (c) Costs of this application. More

The applicant, as a self actor, filed this application seeking an order for the postponement or suspension of sale in execution of his dwelling house in terms of order 40 rule 348A(5b). More

Plaintiff instituted action proceedings against the defendant for the following relief; 1. Payment of the sum of $46 750 being damages arising out of defendant’s breach of its duty of care and for misrepresentation and/ or breach of its implied authority. 2. Interest thereon at the prescribed rate from the 30th June 2014 to date of payment in full and 3. Costs of suit More

The appellant appeared at Bindura Magistrates Court facing a charge of rape in violation of s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. Upon his conviction the appellant was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, 3 years of which were suspended on the usual conditions of future good conduct. This appeal is against both conviction and sentence. More