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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a matter in which Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals sued Define Horizons (Private) Limited for: (a) an order confirming the cancellation of a lease agreement between the parties. (b) an order for the ejectment of the defendant and all those claimingoccupation through it from Parirenyatwa Hospital Superrette. (c) payment of US$1 600.00 per month reckoned from 1 March 2015 to date the defendant vacates the premise (d) costs of suit on an attorney and client scale if the defendant opposes this action. More

The plaintiff and the first defendant entered into a lease agreement in terms of which the first defendant occupied the plaintiff’s premises being number 2 Park Street, Harare. The second defendant bound herself as surety and co-principal debtor to the plaintiff for the due and faithful performance by first defendant of all its obligations in terms of the lease agreement. More

The applicant seeks an order compelling the defendants to comply with the plaintiff’s contract of employment and motor vehicle policy and offer her a Toyota Fortuner to purchase. More

Appellant was convicted of one count of theft of property which belonged to a partnership, which property was worth US59, 000-00. He was sentenced to a pay a fine of US$600-00 or in default of payment, to serve a term of 6 months imprisonment. More

This is an application for a declarator in the following terms: 1. “The appointment of the 2nd and 3rd respondents as Deputy Presidents of 5th Respondents by the first respondent’s Constitution be and is hereby declared as null and void. 2. The conduct of the first respondent of appointing 2nd and 3rd respondents as Deputy Presidents of the 5th respondent is in violation of the 5th respondent’s Constitution, be and is hereby declared null and void. 3. The respondents be and are hereby ordered jointly and severely the one paying and the other absolved to pay costs of suit on... More

An appeal has been received by the Supreme Court under SC 713/17 against this court’s order delivered on 12th September 2017. The Registrar of the High Court has requested this court for reasons for judgment in this matter for the purposes of appeal since no written judgment but an order was made. It is necessary that I give a brief background to this matter. More

After delivering my judgment relating to this case under HH 87/16, an appeal was lodged at the Supreme Court. The Appellate Court in its judgement under SC 47/2016 Ordered that: (1) The appeals herein be and are hereby partially allowed (2) The judgement of the court a quo be and is hereby set aside. (3) The matter be and is hereby remitted to the court a quo for a proper determination of the special case before it. (4) Each party shall bear its own costs. More