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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondent, which was the plaintiff in the court a quo issued summons against the appellant (respondent in the court a quo) seeking an order evicting the respondent from the immovable property known as stand number 442, Gaza Township, Chipinge. This property was allegedly owned by the late Bayeni Hardwell Chiororo who died on 22 December 2004. The property is now part of the deceased’s estate. Joseph Chiororo was duly appointed executor of this estate. More

In this opposed application the applicant has sued respondent for an order of ejectment of the respondent and all those claiming occupation through respondent occupation from applicant’s commercial premises at Chedgelow Farm and holding over damages in the sum of $600.00 per month with effect from the 1st July 2016 to date of vacation or ejectment. The following facts are common cause between the parties. More

This is an application for suspension of the sale in execution of stand number 1898 Marlborough Township 23 of Marlborough following a judgment that was granted in favour of the first respondent. The property is owned by the applicant. More

The applicant Peppy Motors (Private) Limited is seeking an order that- “1. The 1st and 2nd Respondents or any of their agents and or employees, or anyone acting on their behalf or on his own are ordered to release and restore possession into the applicant and or its agents or employees’ custody within two (2) days of this order failure which the Sheriff of the High Court is hereby ordered and directed to do all things possible to restore possession and cause release into Applicant or its agents or, its employees’ custody and possession of the following motor vehicles:- a.... More

The appellants were charged, tried and convicted in the magistrates court of one count each of Criminal Abuse of Duty as defined in s 174(1) (a) of the Criminal law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

This is an application for rescission of judgment which in effect seeks to set aside the registration of a deed of settlement as an order of court using the mechanism of rescission. At a pre-trial conference the applicant as defendant entered into a deed of settlement with the respondent as plaintiff regarding the transfer and purchase of shares from Old Mutual Limited in lieu of applicant’s failure to transfer property purchased by the respondent. The deed of settlement was entered into on the 1st of July 2008. The shares were to have been purchased and transferred within fourteen days from... More

This urgent chamber application was allocated to me through the Chamber book on 19 July 2017 and upon perusing it, I endorsed that the matter was not urgent. I have now been requested to furnish the reasons thereof by the applicant, I hereby furnish them. More