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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a chamber application brought in terms of r 348 A (5b) of the High Court Rules 1971. The applicant seeks the postponement or suspension of the sale in execution of a certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called the remainder of Subdivision C of lot 6 of lots 190, 191, 193, 194 and 195 Highlands Estate of Welmoed measuring 4377 square meters. More

Did the applicant in this matter set out, in the founding affidavit, facts that distinguish the case from others to justify the granting of the order for urgent hearing without breach of the principle that similarly situated litigants are entitled to be treated alike? See Mayor Logistics Private Limited v Zimbabwe Revenue Authority1. More

This is an application for a spoliation order whereby the applicants pray for restoration of status-a-quo ante prevailing at Plot No. 1 Robbsdale Farm Mhangura as at 17 June 2017. On the return date the applicants would pray for a final order in the nature of an interdict where the applicants are barred from unlawfully interfering with the applicants farming activities at and occupation of Plot No. 1 Robbsale Farm. More

The plaintiff and the first defendant married each other on 13 May 1976 in Botswana in terms of that country’s civil marriage laws, the Marriage Proclamation [Chapter 144]. More

On the night of 5th/6th July 2015, thieves broke into, and stole from, the applicant’s shop. They stole some goods and money. Their loot amounted to $64 272 in toto. More

This application for bail pending appeal was argued before me on 9 August, 2017 and l reserved judgment. On 29 August, 2017, l dismissed the application and gave brief reasons for my judgment wherein l indicated that having gone through the record of trial in the proceedings appealed against and considered counsel’s submissions, l had concluded that the applicants’ had no reasonable prospects of appeal against conviction, there being no appeal against sentence. More

The applicants are seeking the following interim relief- “Pending determination of this matter, the Applicant (sic) is granted the following relief- 1. Upon service of this Provisional Order 1st Respondent be and is hereby ordered to return 1st Applicant’s police clearance certificate seized at Kurima House on 4th March 2017. 2. Upon service of this Provisional Order 1st Respondent be and is hereby ordered to return 1st Applicant’s vehicle registration book seized at Kurima House on4th March 2017. 3. Upon service of this Provisional Order 1st Respondent’s directive for the 1st Applicant to surrender her Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle be... More