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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant approached this court on an urgent basis seeking the following relief: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: (a) 2nd Respondent be and is hereby barred from impounding Applicant’s title deeds. (b) 2nd Respondent be and is hereby barred from refusing to register the transfer of Applicant’s stands at 1st Respondent’s instance excerpt in accordance with a Court order. (c) 1st Respondent shall not apply to any Court in Zimbabwe for an order barring 2nd Respondent from registering the transfer... More

On the 28 November 2017 I granted the applicant’s application and my reasons thereof were as follows: On the 7th November 2017 the applicants filed an urgent chamber application seeking an order that: “Final relief More

The plaintiff is a duly registered housing co-operative. The defendants are all occupying the plaintiff’s administration block at Acorn Farm in Harare. The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants on 18 December 2014, for an order that they vacate its administration block. More

The dispute between the plaintiff and the defendants originated from a court action. The respondents purchased a certain residential piece of land situate in the Salisbury District called Stand 7929 Warren Park Township of Warren Park in terms of an agreement of sale signed on 11 February 2002. The purchase price for the property was ZWD 804,800-00 which amount was to be paid within 60 months with the initial deposit of ZWD 224,700-00 being due immediately upon signing the agreement. More

Appeal against refusal of bail pending appeal The applicants who face charges of fraud were denied bail by the magistrate’s court. In order to reverse the findings of the lower court it is trite that the misdirection complained of must appear from the record of proceedings in theexercise by the court ofitsdiscretion. See Barrows& Another v Chimponda 1991 (1) ZLR 58 (S) and Aitken & Anorv Attorney General 1992 (1) ZLR 249(S). More

The applicant brings an application to compel the return of his biscuit making equipment which is in the possession of the first and second respondents. More

On 1 June 2017, after hearing counsel for both parties we dismissed the appeal with costs. Herein are the reasons for our decision. More