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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant was convicted after contest of contravening s89 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. She was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment.She appealed against sentence. More

The plaintiff claims payment of $119 113, 50 arising from a contractual arrangement to supply a jet machine to the defendant. More

On 24 January 2017 I heard this application and delivered an ex tempore judgment dismissing it with costs. I have now been asked for the written reasons which I do hereby furnish. More

This is an application made in terms of Order 33 r 256 of the High Court Rules, for review, of the first defendant’s decision. The applicant sought an order on the following terms: 1. The ruling by first respondent allowing third respondent to mine on applicant’s mining location known as Dulana 45, registration number 21483, be and is hereby set aside. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict to, among other things, stop the respondents from using any information or material relating to the applicant’s affairs or business or method of carrying out business or advertisements including referring to any work done by the applicant. More

On 14 December 2016 the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant, a peregrine, in terms of which it sought to recover the sum of $30 963.95 being the value of a consignment that was consumed by the defendant. It also claimed interest at the prescribed rate and costs of suit. More

This is an application to interdict the first respondent from building and erecting structures on the applicants’ property commonly known as Stand Number 2745 Zizalisari, Mount Pleasant Heights, Harare. More