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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Chamber application for postponement/suspension of sale in execution More

This is an application for rescission of judgment brought by the first applicant and the second applicant. The first applicant is a duly registered company and the second applicant is the majority shareholder of the first applicant and its managing director. More

Most of the facts in this matter are common cause. The plaintiff and the defendant entered into a verbal agreement for the services of galvanization of the plaintiff’s gutters by defendant More

This is an action in which the plaintiff sued the defendants for an eviction from a property called Stand 421 Borrowdale Township 26 of Subdivision D of Lot 8 Borrowdale Estate also known as Number 421 Lockerby Close Borrowdale Harare hereinafter referred to as “the property”. More

We dismissed the appeal in this matter and gave our reasons ex tempore. The appellant subsequently, inarticulately requested for a certificate to enable him to approach the Supreme Court. Essentially the appellant wants the written judgment of the court. More

The chequered background to this matter which, in essence, is a quest for compensation for the value and improvements to certain property to the tune of $150 000.00 is as follows: When Kenias Muzanya died on 24 December 2004 he left a will dated 16th December 2004. More

This an application for bail pending appeal against conviction and sentence in a matter involving rape of a 16 year old mentally retarded girl. More