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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a simple application for an anti-dissipation interdict barring the first respondent from selling or in any way disposing of his property known as certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called Stand Number 5428 Budiriro Township of Willowvale Estate held under Deed of Transfer 2686/98, pending finalization of applicant’s suit against the first respondent under Case Number HC 3320/17. The basis of the application is that the first respondent is a former employee of the applicant. He was employed as the Chief Teller at applicant’s Minerva Banking Suite. As part of his day to day... More

The respondents are husband and wife. They successfully applied for a loan from the applicant. They did not service the loan. More

This is an application for provisional sentence. The plaintiff issued summons for provisional sentence against the defendant for $352 191.82 together with interest at the rate of 26 per cent per annum from the 1st of April 2014 to date of full payment. Such claim is based on a notarial general covering bond, a deed of hypothecation over immovable property and a personal guarantee all being securities for the banking facilities extended to the first defendant. More

On 16 December, 2015 the applicant moved the court to: (i) evict the 1st – 21st respondents and all those who claimed occupation through them from Dorith More and Stanley [“the farms”]; (ii) interdict the respondents and those that claimed through them from entering the farms- and (iii) order the 22nd respondent to assist the Sheriff in evicting the respondents and those who claimed through them from the farms More

The appellant was charged with the crime of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] together with one Stanley Musendo (“Musendo”). During the trial the appellant was the second accused. Despite their pleas of not guilty, they were both convicted ascharged and each of them was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment of which 2 years imprisonment was suspended for five years on condition of good behaviour. A further 4 years imprisonment was suspended on condition that the accused make restitution on or before 30 June 2014 leaving aneffective 4 years imprisonment... More

On 26 April 2017 the appellant, after a full trial, was convicted in the magistrate’s court of defeating or obstructing the course of justice in contravention of s 184(1)(e) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Cap 9:23 (“the Code”). That provision reads: More

The deceased suffered from a grossly distended abdomen. This was a condition that she had endured for five to eight years. It was a swollen stomach, the result of an abnormal cyst. The doctor said at its expansive worst the lump spanned a staggering thirty centimetres. She was heavily deformed. Her body was emaciated. More