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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Four matters were placed before us in terms of s 58 (3) (b) of the Magistrates Court Act [Chapter 7:10] (the Act) by the scrutinizing regional magistrate. More

The accused appeared in court on 21 September 2017 on two charges, the first one of murder as defined in s 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the code) and the second one being attempted murder as defined in s 189 (1) as read with s 47 (1) of the Code. More

The registrar placed before me the record of proceedings in the above matter from the Regional Magistrate in Chinhoyi with the following minute attached to it. “The Registrar High Court of Zimbabwe HARARE APPLICATION FOR REVIEW OF THE RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS: STATE v PHILLIP MATSVERU: CRB CHNR 101/16 More

The accused was charged with murder in that on the 5th of October 2015 at 3377 Chibuku Industrial Area, he unlawfully and with intent to kill stabbed Lesley Motsi with an Okapi knife on the throat causing injuries from which the said Lesly Motsi died. More

The accused persons both pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder. It is alleged that on the night of 28 May 2015, at Tandarai Bar (“the bar”) in Chikanga Phase 3, Mutare, the two accused persons, with intent to kill, or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that their conduct may cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility, assaulted Trymore Mlambo several times all over his body with clenched fists and booted feet and hit him with an empty beer bottle on the right upper arm thereby causing serious... More

The accused was charged with failure to comply with an order of the Maintenance Court to make regular monthly payments towards the upkeep of his children in contravention of s 23 (1) of the Maintenance Act, [Chapter 5:09] (“the Maintenance Act”). He pleaded guilty and the trial proceeded in terms of s 271 (2) (b) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, [Chapter 9:07]. The statement of agreed facts indicate that the accused is currently and was at the time of failure to comply, unemployed. When asked if he had any defence to offer the accused said he had none. More

The three accused persons were jointly charged with the murder of Tinos Chihoro who died at Parirenyatwa Hospital on 10 October 2014 from injuries sustained in the course of a robbery that took place in the early hours of 6 October 2014 along Leopold Takawira Street near the Harare Gardens in Harare. More