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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicants approached this court seeking a rescission of the judgment granted by this court on 23 November 2016 in HC 1791/16. The application is being made in terms of r 449 of the High Court Rules 1971. More

At the conclusion of hearing the appeal we unanimously agreed to have the conviction set aside and the sentence quashed. The following are the reasons that informed the upholding of the appeal. More

I heard this application on 11 October 2017. At the close of submissions, I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I dismissed the application with costs. On 17 October 2017 the applicant’s legal practitioners addressed a letter to the registrar of this court. The letter reads, in part, as follows: “We have been instructed to request as we hereby do the full judgment and reasons thereof.” I set out hereunder the full judgment and the reasons for the same. The applicant is a legal entity. It claims that it owns and operates a farm which is best described as... More

The nine appellants were convicted on their own plea of guilty to contravening section 368 (2) as read with s 368 (4) of the Mines and Minerals Act, [Chapter 21:05](“the Act”). Theywere each sentenced to the mandatory 2 years imprisonment. They appealed against conviction on the basis that they were convicted on a chargewhich was not supported by the facts admitted between them and the State. More

The plaintiff is a duly registered Estate Agent with the Estate Agent Council of Zimbabwe. The defendant is a duly registered company in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. On the 5th May 2014 the plaintiff sued the defendant in this court claiming from the defendant: 1. Payment in the sum of $ 30 000.00 being agents’ commission for a property duly sold at the instance of the defendant. 2. Interest on the said $30 000.00 from the date of demand being the 28th of February 2013 to the date of payment in full. 3. Costs of suit. More

The appellant was convicted by a regional magistrate sitting at Harare Magistrate Court on two counts of fraud and one count of Theft by Conversion. Upon his conviction, the appellant was sentenced as follows: “Count 2 - six years imprisonment Count 3 - three years imprisonment Count 5 - three years imprisonment. More

This is an urgent chamber application for stay of execution being made pursuant to the applicant’s property having been attached by the second respondent, the Sheriff of Zimbabwe on the instructions of the first respondent. When the applicant filed this application, the Sheriff was about to remove the attached property, namely six motor vehicles and a motor bike. More