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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant has been in the business of providing internet services since 1997. It is suing the first respondent (POTRAZ) as a body corporate and authority responsible for the licensing and regulation of telecommunication service providers in terms of s 30 of the Postal and Telecommunications Act [Chapter 12:05]. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming payment of US$ 23 000.00 (Twenty three thousand dollars) as damages or replacement value of the plaintiff’s vehicle. The defendant in his plea to the claim denied liability on the basis that he never dealt with the plaintiff but with the plaintiff’s wife one Violet Temba. He said he received the said vehicle from the plaintiff’s wife who is the defendant’s sister. By arrangement with his sister he paid to ZIMRA duty for the said vehicle and his sister failed to refund him an amount of $5 000.00 that he had paid... More

An urgent chamber application was placed before me on 10 November 2017, following statements by the then President, Robert Mugabe, at a funeral that government would resume executions of death row prisoners since it was concluding the process of appointing a hangman More

After what can only be described as being both an eventful but arduous journey through the courts, applicant is now petitioning this Court for an order declaring that s 5 (2) of the State Liabilities Act [Chapter 8:14] is unconstitutional. Section 5 (2) of that Act provides that State Property is immune from attachment and execution, and that in circumstances where the State finds itself to be a judgment debtor, any amount owed by it should be paid out from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Applicant contends that whilst s 5 (2) remains valid, it is unjustly impeding him from realising... More

The relief sought in this application is that of a declaratur. The applicant is a former employee of the Sports and Recreation Commission, (hereinafter referred to as the Commission). More

The plaintiff is claiming the payment of US$55,908,185-52 together with interest calculated at the rate of 22% from the date of judgment to the date of payment from all the defendants; jointly and severally: with the qualification that fourth and fifth defendant’s liability be limited to US500,000-00 each. (fourth and fifth defendants provided limited guarantees). More

This is an application in terms of s 236(4) of the High Court Rules, 1971 for the dismissal of an application for setting aside a Will for want of prosecution. More