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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The State bungled one of the charges preferred against the accused. The trial magistrate not only missed that, but it also mishandled the sentencing options. That is what has prompted this review judgment. More

The two accused persons, Jealous Nemaringa and Patrick Marufu, were jointly charged with murder. The allegations against them were that on 28 September 2015, in rural Bikita, Masvingo, one or other or both of them unlawfully caused the death of the deceased, one Farai Manyanga. They allegedly hit him with logs on the head multiple times. More

On 16 August 2016 the accused struck and killed the deceased. He was charged with murder. He pleaded self-defence. A trial ensued over two days. Only two witnesses gave oral testimony: the deceased’s wife, Jennifer Mushandu [“Jennifer”], and the accused himself. More

This review judgment has been occasioned by my routine visit to Mutimurefu Prison in Masvingo on 13 May 2017. During the normal interface with the prisoners the accused/prisoner in both cases herein raised a complaint to the effect that prison authorities were improperly interpreting the sentences imposed upon the accused in both cases, being CRB CH 707/15 and CRB CHR 38/16. After I engaged the Officer in Charge of the Prison it dawned upon me that indeed there was a dispute as to the total sentence accused was to serve. The prison authorities and the accused had different interpretations to... More

The accused was arraigned before the Senior Magistrate sitting at Zaka and convicted after a trial of contravening section 13(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23] which relates to unlawful entry into premises in aggravating circumstances. More

Both accused persons are charged with murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. The charge is that on 1 October 2016 at stand number 72-3 Mhandamabwe business centre in Chivi, Masvingo both accused More

This matter brings to the fore the scourge of domestic violence which has afflicted our society leading to ghastly consequences, which include the loss of life. More