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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
That this is an application made by two judgment debtors whose immovable property has been sold by the Sheriff in execution of a judgment of this court in terms of r 359 (8) of this court’s rules, is beyond any disputation because the application itself says so firstly in the Form 29 and secondly in para 6 of the first applicant’s founding affidavit dealing with the nature of the application. More

On 20 February 2014, the plaintiff issued summons against the defendants for malicious prosecution. He claimed $14 000 for loss of earnings $25 000 for legal costs and $100 000 for contumelia. The defendants were duly served with the application and after default in filing the relevant pleadings. The matter was accordingly set down on the unopposed roll. The matter was heard and the claim was dismissed. The plaintiff noted an appeal, the decision was set aside and the relevant part of the Supreme Court order reads More

This case presents a complex scenario of what has become of the legal profession due to the conduct of a few “bad apples” in the basket. If left unchecked that conduct can damage the reputation of the legal profession, a profession which, among the Romans, was equated to consecrated priesthood. More

The applicant is jointly charged with others for fraud. More

On 3 September 2018, I heard this matter and delivered an ex tempore judgment removing the matter from the urgent roll and also ordering the applicant to pay the respondents’ costs. I have now been asked for the written reasons and these are they. The first respondent is Automotive and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe a registered motor industry trade union. The second respondent is Martin Chaora (N.O.), the First Vice President of the first respondent. The third respondent is Winas Murambidza(N.O.), the National General Secretary of the first respondent. The fourth respondent is Tonderai Chikoti, the Secretary for the... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 17 July 2017 in which the court registered an arbitral award in favour of the respondents. More

I heard the matter which relates to the current parties on two separate occasions. The first hearing which fell under case number HC 963/16 took place on 6 April, 2017. More