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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 17 December 2018 the applicant filed an urgent chamber application seeking the following relief. TERMS OF THE ITERINM RELIED SOUGHT It is hereby ordered that pending the determination by this honourable court of the issues referred herein above: 1. The respondent shall allow the persons listed in the document attached to the application as “”Annexure C” who were evicted from Lot 1 of subdivision A of Somerby, Harare on 14 December 2018, to return to peaceful occupation of the land forthwith, pending the issuing of a final order in this matter; 2. The respondent, its agents, its employees and... More

The first and second plaintiffs are wife and husband. On 22 November 2013 along Enterprises Road in Harare occurred a motor vehicle accident. The collision was between a motor vehicle driven by the first plaintiff, which belonged to the second plaintiff, and the other driven by the defendant. The defendant was at fault. He paid an admission of guilty fine with the Police for driving without due care and attention. More

The plaintiffs bring a claim for damages for unlawful eviction. The plaintiffs are husband and wife. The first defendant is a legal practitioner with the second defendant where he is a partner. The second defendant is a law firm. The third defendant was a client of the second defendant and he had a case which was being handled by the law firm. The plaintiffs’ case is based on the following facts. The plaintiffs were the registered owners of stand 442 Good hope Township of Lot 4 Goodhope. On 22 February 2012, the fourth defendant unlawfully transferred the plaintiffs’ property into... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court, dismissing the appellant’s appeal against his conviction and sentence by the magistrates court. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 21 November 2014. After hearing argument in this matter, the court dismissed the appeal and indicated that the reasons would follow. More

The plaintiffs are husband and wife. They are members of the third defendant. More

The applicant was the defendant in case no. HC 3982/12 and the respondent was the plaintiff. Case no. HC 3982/12 is a summons or action matter in which the applicant was sued for various sums of money in damages allegedly caused by the applicant to the respondent’s property which he rented in terms of a lease agreement. In addition to damages, the applicant was also sued for outstanding rentals and bills, interest and costs on the higher scale of legal practitioner and client. The total sum claimed from the applicant was put at US$12 122.17. My own addition of the... More