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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff in her capacity as the Executrix Dative in the Estate of the late Nayison Mashavave DR 419/14 who died on the 24th February 2009 at Harare issued summons against the defendants claiming for orders declaring that Stand 8519 Glen View 8, Harare, belongs to the estate of the late Nayison Mashavave, that Stand 8519 Glen View 8 Harare be removed from the Distribution Account of the Estate of the late Richard Garikayi Chakabva, that within seven (7) days of service of this order, the defendants sign all necessary documents to transfer the Stand 8519 Glen View 8 Harare... More

This appeal is against part of the judgment of the High Court upholding a plea of prescription. After perusing the documents filed of record in this matter, it was the unanimous view of the court that the appeal had merit. More

Plaintiff is suing the defendant for the recovery of US$7 541.41 which he alleges is made up of (a) a consultancy fee in the amount of US$2 500.00; (b) commission and (c) telephone bills arising from a verbal agreement which it states it entered into with the defendant company. The terms of the agreement as alleged by the plaintiff,were that the plaintiff would be paid a consultancy fee in the amount of US$3 125.00 and commission calculated at 10% for helping the defendant to set up and run a panel beating; sales and engineering shop at No. 14 Martin Drive,... More

The parties herein are wife and husband and both concede they have lost love and affection for each other and want a divorce. The plaintiff issued summons out of this court claiming a decree of divorce, custody of the minor children, maintenance and a division of the matrimonial assets. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as a Senior Organising Secretary with effect from 19 January to November 2009. On 12 October 2009 the respondent suspended him without pay following allegations of misconduct. More

The applicant was employed as a prison officer stationed at Chikurubi maximum Farm Prison. He was convicted by the senior magistrate at Harare on 14 March, 2018 for contravening s 4 of the Firearms Act, [Chapter 10:09] (unlawful possession). The charge sheet averred that on 18 May, 2016, the applicant unlawfully transferred 9x19mm live bullets or rounds of ammunition to one Allen Matemachani without a valid licence to do so. Apparently the said Allen Mutemachani was an ex-convict whom the accused had come into contact with whilst the former was serving a prison term. It was alleged that the said... More

The two applicants are undergoing criminal prosecution at Chiredzi Magistrates Courts for holding, using and occupying gazetted land without lawful authority in contravention of section 3(2) as read with section 3 (3) of the Gazetted Land (Consequential Provisions) Act [Chapter 20. 28]. The allegations being that on the period extending from the 4th day of February 2007 to date and at the remainder of Chiredzi Ranch North both Wasara Wasara Ranching Company (Pvt) Ltd and Thomas Garry Warth being former owners of gazetted land, unlawfully held, used or occupied this land 45 days after the fixed date of 20 December... More