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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The parties were married in terms of the Marriage Act, [Chapter 5:11] on 24 December, 2005. Two minor children namely Donnel Munesu Mandienga, born on 1 June 2006 and Diana Mutsawashe Mandienga born on 5 December, 2009, were born out of the marriage. The plaintiff issued summons on 16 July, 2013 claiming a decree of divorce and ancillary relief on the ground of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. More

. The plaintiff and the defendant started staying together in the manner of husband and wife in 1998 under an unregistered customary law union. On the 14th June 2001, their marriage was solemnised in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11]. Their marriage was blessed with two children of whom one is now an adult whilst the other is still a minor. More

: The plaintiff issued summons for $10 000-00 adultery damages against the defendant on 2 September, 2014. The adultery was common cause and it continued even after summons had been issued. More

The appellant was convicted of contravening s 65 as read with s 189 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment of which 1 year was suspended on condition of good behaviour. More

Plaintiff claimed that in or about October 2009 defendant, through its employees, unlawfully and wrongfully removed electrical gadgets from her farm in Nyazura. On the employees being apprehended, defendant went on to make a total of four undertakings to restore electricity supply at the farm. The undetakings were accompanied by assurances to plaintiff to proceed with her farming activities as the restoration of electricity would enable her to irrigate her crop. On the basis of the undertakings the plaintiff, who had planted ten hectares of tobacco, went on to plant an additional twenty hectares of tobacco and twenty five hectares... More

This was an appeal against an order of eviction granted by the court a quo in favour of the respondent against the appellant. The order of eviction was in relation to certain premises, a dwelling house, situate Shabani Mine, Zvishavane, owned by the respondent but which had at all relevant times been allocated to, and was occupied by, the appellant by virtue of his employment with the respondent. More

The plaintiff instituted divorce and ancillary relief proceedings. The defendant defended the matter and filed pleadings thereto. More