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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Aggrieved by the decision of the Master directing the Executor of the Estate of the late Stanislas Masike to amend the Amended First and Final Distribution Account and to distribute the surplus cash from the sale of the matrimonial home equally amongst the late Stanislas Masike’s 6 children and the applicant who is the surviving spouse, the applicant filed the present application for review in terms of s 52 (9) (1) of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:01]. She wants the Master’s decision made in terms of s 52 (9) of the Administration of Estates Act set aside. Further,... More

: Plaintiff issued summons against the defendant, on 21 November 2017, claiming an order for eviction, holding over damages in the amount of $7 873,97 per month from 1 October 2017 to date of eviction and legal practitioner and client costs. More

This is an application made under the mandament van spolie for an order for eviction of the respondents and all those acting under or throughthem from Stand No. 19034 Parkridge, Kuwadzana Township Harare. Further that, an urgent interdict is also made interdicting respondents from interfering with the applicant’s activities on the said stand and ancillary relief as provided in the Draft Order. The applicants aver that the application was necessitated by respondents who forcibly took possession of the stand from second applicant. More

The applicant seeks an order of rei vindicatio. It seeks recovery of its property namely- motor vehicle, a Toyota Hilux Double Cab Registration Number AAE 7098, HP 450 laptop, Samsung Galaxy S5 and a Samsung tablet 4 presently in the possession of the respondent without the applicant’s consent. More

This judgment is in respect of two matters HC 901/18 and HC 4290/18. In HC 901/18 the applicant “Chivero” seeks the eviction of the respondent “Velocity” from a quarry site known as Hunyani 159 Idaho Farm ‘the claim’. In HC 4290/18 “Velocity” the respondent filed an application for the dismissal of HC 901/18 for want of prosecution. After hearing the application for dismissal in HC 4290/18 I dismissed it and indicated the reasons would be incorporated in the main judgment herein. More

: The plaintiff and the defendant were married in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] at Mutare on 22 April 2006. Their marriage lasted 9 years before the institution of the divorce proceedings. 4 children were born out of the marriage and all of them are still minors. The plaintiff is domiciled in Zimbabwe thereby giving this court jurisdiction to deal with their divorce matter. The parties acquired both immovable and movable property during the subsistence of their marriage. More

The background facts she gave were that in January 2013 she together with the first and second respondents entered into a verbal agreement wherein they agreed to obtain a loan facility for $15 000 from the Agricultural Bankof Zimbabwe. She said in terms of the oral agreement, the loan was to be shared equally among the parties. She said repayment of the loan was to be on a pro rata basis. She said the first respondent agreed to bind himself as a co-signatory to the loan amount as security for a proper and equivalent distribution of the loan proceeds between... More