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Court Judgements

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The applicants approached the court seeking review of disciplinary proceedings concluded by the Police Trial Officer. What fell for determination was firstly whether or not the applicants’ case satisfied review grounds as provided for by the law, and, secondly, whether or not the applicants could be tried in terms of the Police Act after having been charged in terms of ordinary law. More

On 2 October 2018 I heard this matter and dismissed it with costs. I have been asked for the written reasons and these are they. More

The applicant was a regular member of the police force. He was a constable. The respondents sought to try him for alleged indiscipline in terms of s 29, as read with s 34 of the Police Act, Cap 11:10, and as further read with paragraph 35 of the Schedule to that Act. More

The applicant made this application and simply titled it, “Court application for review”. He listed the grounds for review as follows: “The dismissal of the applicant’s appeal against discharge by the 1st respondent are full of procedural irregularities in that: 1. By dismissing the applicant’s appeal against discharge, when the state had failed to prove a prima facie case, against applicant, respondents gave themselves power where it is not supposed to exist. 2. The 2nd respondent dismally failed to give reasons for their decision of dismissing applicant’s appeal against discharge. By so doing it is clear that the applicant can... More

The applicant is deputy president in the first respondent, a pentecostal church. He filed this application through the urgent chamber book. He did so on 3 August, 2018. He couched his draft order in the following terms: “1. TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. No writ or execution of the order obtained in the High Court held at Harare under case No. HC 4756/18 will be issued or actioned by the respondents during the pendency of the application for... More

The applicant approached this court on a certificate of urgency for a provisional order in terms of which are the following: “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT 1. A writ of execution sued out by the 1st to 6th respondents against applicant pursuant to the court order granted in case number HC 7774/15 be and is hereby permanently stayed. 2. The 1st to 6th respondent to pay costs. More

The applicants in the main case number HC 6113/16 applied for rescission of judgment in terms of order 9 r 63 (1) (2) of the High Court Rules. The order that was granted in default was under case number HC8895/12. More