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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is application in terms of s 52 (9) (i) of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:01]. The relief sought has been couched in the following terms: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The application challenging the acceptance of claims made by the first respondent be and is hereby granted. 2. The first respondent’s claims for medical and funeral assistance cannot be sustained and therefore must be rejected. 3. The second respondent is ordered to amend the distribution account by specifically removing the medical expenses claim of US$28 869.00 and funeral expenses claim of US$20 210.00 from the distribution plan... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court dismissing an application for condonation for the late filing of heads of argument. The application was dismissed with costs. More

On the 18th February 2015 the plaintiff sued the defendants, jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved for: 1. Payment in the sum of US$11 000.00; 2. Interest on the sum of US$ 11 000.00 at the prescribed rate from the date of service of summons to date of payment in full; and 3. Costs of suit. More

In the general election held in the country on 30 July 2018, the applicant was one of five candidates that contested for a Parliamentary seat in the House of Assembly in the constituency known as Mutasa North, Manicaland Province. The other four were respondents 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first respondent is the Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (“ZEC”), an independent commission established by s 238 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and tasked with several functions including the holding of elections in the country. More

The 2 applicants are husband and wife of Chinese extraction. They jointly own a 50% shareholding in the respondent, a company registered in Zimbabwe and is involved in the business of manufacturing and wholesaling weaves, a hot favourite of the female gender at the moment. The 2 applicants are also directors of the respondent along with Jeong Hyun Park and his loving wife Jung Ja Choi who completed the cast of a formidable four member board of directors of the respondent company. The other 2 directors are also of Chinese persuasion. Its not just their common interest in the company... More

This is an application to uphold the appointment of the applicant on 20th October 2016 as the substantive Chief Samambwa and for a declaration as invalid, null and void the purported appointment on 19th December 2017 of the first respondent to the same office by the fifth respondent. The facts are that the applicant was appointed the substantive Chief Samambwa of Zhombe, Kwekwe District, Midlands Province in Zimbabwe on the 20th of October 2016 by the then President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Mr Robert Gabriel Mugabe following several disputes and meetings over the prevailing Samambwa Chieftainship succession customs. Following... More

This is an appeal against a summary judgment granted by a magistrate sitting at Kadoma on 27 May 2016. More