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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
: The plaintiff’s claim against the defendant is for the delivery of three motor vehicles the particulars whereof are detailed in the summons and declaration as follows: Mazda T3500 Reg. No. AAJ 1472, Chassis No. WEL46MY 01050; Mazda T3500 Reg No. ACM 1956, Chassis No. El49MY03348; Mazda T3500 Reg No. ABP 0780. The plaintiff’s case, as pleaded, is that the three motor vehicles were placed under the custody of the defendant for parking at the latter’s place of residence at a time that there was in existence an employer/employee relationship between the parties. The plaintiff pleaded that the defendant’s contract... More

The plaintiff, a peregrine company, issued summons against the defendants, jointly and severally, claiming payment of $290 866.50 arising out of a balance due on goods sold and delivered at the defendant’s specific instance and request, interest at the bank rate of 24% per annum from due date to date of full payment, collection commission and costs of suit. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants claiming US$26 924.00 being monies due and payable to it in respect of beverages supplied on credit. More

Delta Beverages Private Limited (plaintiff) sued all the three defendants claiming the sum of US$33 876.72 being the amount due and owing by the defendants to the plaintiff in respect of the balance of the costs of goods namely beverages supplied on credit to first and second defendants during the period extending from the 11th February 2009 to 9th June 2014 and for which the first and second defendants on the 30th December 2013 acknowledged themselves to be truly and lawfully indebted to the plaintiff as at that date in the total sum of US$22 107. The third defendant bound... More

Applicant was convicted of the offence of unlawful possession of a firearm as defined in s 4 of the Firearms Act, [Chapter 10:09]. He was convicted by the Magistrate at Harare on 12 June 2018. The applicant was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment with 1 year suspended on conditions of good behavior. This left him to serve an effective 3 year sentence. The applicant was aggrieved by the judgment and sentence and noted an appeal to this court. The appeal is pending determination under case No. CA 345/18. More

On the 20th December 2018 I struck off the matter from the roll after hearing submissions from the parties’ counsels in the family motion court and giving an ex tempore judgment. The counsel for the plaintiff requested me to provide a full written judgment containing my reasons. The following are the reasons. More

After hearing argument on September14 2018 I dismissed this application with costs. I stated that the reasons would be furnished in writing. On the same day, around 16:35 hrs, the Registrar placed a letter before me. It was authored by the applicant’s legal practitioners. They were requesting the reasons for my decision for purposes of appeal. These are those reasons. This is a court application for review of the disciplinary proceedings wherein first respondent convicted applicant of contravening para 35 (1) of the schedule to the Police Act [Chapter 11:10] (“the Act”) as read with section 29 and 34 of... More