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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The two applicants’ were charged under the Police Act [Chapter 11:10] for contravening para 35 of the Schedule of offences to the Police Act, as read with ss 29 and 34 of the said Act. On count one, the state alleges as follows; “In that on 26 June 2017 and at or near C.I.D Chitungwiza offices, Chitungwiza, the defaulter, being a member of the Police Service, did wrongly and unlawfully acted in a manner reasonably likely to bring discredit to the Police Force, that is to say, the defaulter, after recovering a box containing 50 x 100ml bottles of broncleer... More

The applicants are seeking a provisional order interdicting the respondents from proceeding with the criminal proceedings which are at defence stage and currently under way against the applicants at Chegutu Magistrates Court in case number CRB CHG 674-76/18 pending the final determination of an application for review brought by the applicants under case number HC 9109/18. That application for review is pending in this court. The first respondent is The State which is responsible for Criminal prosecutions on behalf Zimbabwe and is represented by an officer responsible for the applicants’ trial. The second respondent whom I shall refer to as... More

: I was on the urgent applications duty roster in the week beginning 26 March, 2018 through to 1 April, 2018. Being on urgent duty is a daunting assignment for any judge because the judge on duty is on call twenty four hours. Judges take turns to perform the 24 hour shift. It is their duty to be available all the time to dispense justice to all and sundry. More

The trial of this matter was set down before me with two defendants cited as follows – first defendant was Nyaradzo Catherine Magoge –Mashindi and second defendant as Tango Mining P/L T/A Dinhidza Mine. Second defendant was the former employer of the plaintiffs. The summons was apparently served on persons who had taken over Dinhidza mine from second defendant without being second defendants’ successor in title. As a result an appearance to defend was erroneously entered on the instructions of the persons served with the summons who instructed Mr Muza who has since realised that those that instructed him to... More

The appellant was convicted of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to a fine US$400 or in default of payment three months imprisonment. He appeals against condition only. At the hearing of the appeal the appellant abandoned the first two grounds of appeal and relied on the only two remaining grounds. The first of the two remaining grounds stated that; “The court a quo misdirected itself in disregarding appellant’s defence that he was given the service stationas an exit package by his employer, which defence was most... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Labour Court confirming the draft ruling of the respondent, a labour officer. The ruling was in favour of the appellant’s former employee, Ms Umarah Khan whose contract of employment was summarily terminated as from 15 April 2015 on allegations of certain acts of misconduct, including theft. More

At one stage the applicant, a local citizen, faced allied charges in both Zimbabwe and Botswana relating to the unlawful hunting, killing and possession of rhinoceros horns, in contravention of kindred statutes that deal with the protection and preservation of wild life in the two countries. The charges arose out of the applicant’s alleged conduct, in league with other persons, both in this country and in Botswana, and at different times More