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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This urgent chamber application for a provisional interdict is anchored on an appeal filed with this court on 22 March 2018. More

This is an application for summary judgment whereby the applicant is seeking the payment of certain sums of money from the firth respondent only. More

Plaintiff sued defendant for payment of the sum of $20 020.00 being an amount due and owing to plaintiff in respect of the cost of certain recharge cards sold to defendant in terms of a written agreement. More

It is not in dispute that applicant owns a piece of land in Whitecliff which land falls under the jurisdiction of the respondent as the local authority. In 1998 applicant was issued with a permit in terms of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, [Chapter 29:12] to subdivide Whitecliff into residential stands. More

What started as an ordinary maize growing contract which the applicant and the first respondent signed developed into a bruising legal battle between them. They signed it on 30 September, 2013. They earmarked it for the 2013/2014 farming season. In terms of the contract, the first respondent advanced inputs and cash to the applicant. It advanced the equivalent of $147 627.44 in cash and kind. The advanced inputs and money aimed at enabling the applicant to grow and deliver to the first respondent 650 metric tonnes of maize. This was to be delivered on or before 31 July, 2014. The... More

The applicant filed an application for dismissal of Case No. HC 1182/17 for want of prosecution pursuant to the provisions of order 32 r 263 (3) and (4) of the High Court Rules 1971. On 14 September 2017 I dealt with the matter in chambers and issued an order which the Registrar recorded in the following terms and issued to the parties. More

: What was supposed to be a memorable excursion for Harare International School pupils and their teacher, the plaintiff, turned out to be a nightmare when the plaintiff was severely burnt in an accident involving a burner on 19 September 2013. The plaintiff approached this court seeking damages to the tune of US$ 206 298.00 allegedly arising from negligent conduct of the first defendant a learner instructor in the employ of the second defendant, and the second defendant itself on the basis of vicarious liability. More