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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff issued summons on 8 July 2015 against the defendant claiming a sum of $26 912.27 with interest thereon at the rate of 5% per annum and costs of suit. The plaintiff further prayed for an order declaring Stand 10763 Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo Township Lands, measuring 1041 square metres (“the property”) specially executable. More

I have previously stated in Mutongwizo v The Master of the High Court N.O HH 573-18 the need for legal practitioners to comply with the rules of this court especially when the rights of minor children are at stake. This court is the upper guardian of minors by design so that there is assurance that whatever is done on behalf of minor children conforms to the best interests of the child standard. This is a standard that is recognised in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) that Zimbabwe signed and ratified on 11 September 1990. The standard... More

The applicant is a peregrinuslegal entity. It is incorporated according to the laws of the Democratic Republic of the Congo where it is domiciled. Its principal object is to carry on the business of transport contractors and general merchants, among others. More

The parties were married to each other in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 37] on 27 September 1985. They have 5 children together all of whom are now majors. The plaintiff instituted proceedings for divorce on 17 June 2011 after almost 16 years of marriage. The matter before this court is premised on the joint pre-trial conference minute dated 10 October 2013. Two issues are for determination. The first issue is whether or not the marriage relationship has irretrievably broken down. The second issue is whether or not it is fair and just that the parties share the matrimonial... More

The plaintiff issued summons out of this court on 21 March 2016 against the first and second defendants for the cancellation of an agreement of sale entered into by the first and second defendants for the sale of an immovable property known as stand number 972 Tshovani, Chiredzi ‘the property’ , eviction of the first defendant, payment of rentals in the sum of $25 800 collected by the first defendant, holding over damages from 1 April 2016 to the date of eviction of the first defendant at the rate of $300 a month and costs of suit on a legal... More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interim order interdicting the first respondent from publishing a voters’ roll with the photograph of the applicant. The final relief sought is for s 9(c) of the Electoral (Voter Registration) Regulations, 2017, which are contained in Statutory Instrument 85 of 2017 to be declared ultra vires s 57 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. The application is opposed by the third to thirteenth respondents. The first and second respondents elected to abide by the decision of this court. The first defendant filed an affidavit solely for the purpose of placing certain pertinent information... More

E.T Moyo More