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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a claim against the defendants, jointly and severally, the one paying and the other being absolved, for payment of an amount of USD1 242 778 plus 5% per annum on the said amount calculated from 1 January 2015 until full and final settlement, together with costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. More

The brief background to this matter is that the applicant is in occupation of stand No. 10138 Whitecliff South, Harare by virtue of a lease agreement between her and the third respondent. The lease has been running since 1st December 2012 and it gives the applicant the option to purchase only when the third respondent has valued the property and make an offer to the applicant to purchase. No offer has been made so the applicant cannot exercise any right of option either to accept or refuse. Her status remains than of a lessee. More

In this application the applicant seeks permanent stay of prosecution of charges preferred against him in 2016. More

This was an application which was in fact an appeal against refusal to grant bail. More

Mangota J and myself were the urgent cases duty judges from 12 November, 2018 to 19 November, 2018 when another set of judges would take over. Duty judges are called upon to deal with urgent applications filed by litigants after normal court hours and during weekends. In the exercise of its mandate of providing people access to justice at all times, the courts’ administrative authority has put in place systems which ensure that people are not denied access to justice on the excuse that it is after normal court hours, a weekend or public holiday. Not every case may however... More

MUZENDA J: This urgent chamber application was brought to me on Friday 29th September 2018 after hours and I issued an interim order interdicting the demolition of a structure constructed on stand 19828 Harare Township registered in Pokugara Properties (Private) Ltd, (the 3rd respondent) and directed the Registrar to set the matter down for the 1st October 2018. On 1 October 2018 the parties agreed to defer the hearing to the 2nd October 2018 to allow the first-third and fourth respondents to file their opposing papers. More

This is a matter in which the applicant filed an application on urgency seeking the following relief in the form of a provisional order: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms. 1. That the 1st and 2nd respondents be and are hereby barred either in themselves or through their agents from removing gold pregnant sands from Gazemba 105-108 mine pending the finalisation of Case No. HC 2666/18 (XRef HC 7729/17). 2. The respondents shall bear the costs of this application on the... More