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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Magistrates Court sitting at Bikita wherein the magistrates court dealt with an appeal from the local court and gave judgment in favour of the respondent. The facts of the matter are as follows. The respondent is a headman under Chief Mukanganwi in Bikita. He sued the appellant in his court (the headman’s court). There were two complaints against him according to the LC4 form from his (Headman Nyange) Primary Court. Firstly, the appellant was alleged to have blocked a cattle path which leads to the dip tank. Secondly, he was... More

This is an application for the registration of an order of the Labour Court. The application is opposed by the first respondent. The second respondent is the Labour Officer who rendered the determination which was confirmed by the Labour Court on 21 March 2018. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. The applicant was charged with contravening section 45 (1) (a) of the Parks and Wildlife Act, [Chapter 20:14] as read with section 11 of the General Laws Amendment Act 5/2011 more particularly unlawful hunting of a specially protected animal (rhinoceros). More

The applicant was convicted by the Regional Court sitting at Harare following separate trials presided over by different regional magistrates. More

This is a chamber application for discharge of an interim order granted by this court on the 16th of January 2017 under case no. HC 12931/16 interdicting the applicant and all other persons acting on his behalf from carrying mining activities within the prohibited distance from the first respondent’s permanent structures and borehole, interdicting them from threatening the first respondent or any of the first respondent’s employees as well as joining the second respondent as a party to the proceedings. Finally, the interim order gave the police details of Kadoma to enforce peace between the parties if the need arises. More

This was an application for the setting aside ofan arbitral award made by the third respondent on 6 December 2016. The application was opposed. At the hearing of this application this court granted the order as prayed for. Simultaneously this court was also asked to deal with the application for the registration of the arbitral award made in Case number HC 1054/17. This court dismissed the application for the registration of the aforesaid arbitral award in terms of Articles 35 and 36 of the Arbitration Act [Chapter 7:15] More

The High Court has seen an increase in cases involving legal battles over control of church shrines, assets and even congregants. Leadership battles have often turned violent in certain instances. More