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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicants are sister companies. They are into sugar-cane growing and sugar processing. They operate in the Southern part of Zimbabwe’s lowveld. The respondent is the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate. She is the one to whom the President of Zimbabwe assigned the Zimbabwe National Water Authority Act out of which the Zimbabwe National Water Authority [“ZINWA”] was born. ZINWA is a statutory body. The applicants concluded two agreements with ZINWA’s predecessors. The agreements related to the supply of raw water to the applicants. They were signed in 1961. The agreements provide that the parties - i.e. the applicants... More

This matter emanates from a judgment I granted, with costs, in favour of the applicant on 13 September 2017 in HH614/17 (HC9698/17). More

This is an application for a prohibitory interdict against the respondents. The salient facts of the matter are that the applicant entered into a written housing off-take agreement (the contract) with the second respondent, National Social Security Authority (NSSA) on 14 July 2017 in terms of which the applicant was the developer and the second respondent was the beneficiary. The applicant as the developer was to acquire land and construct 8000 housing units with the second respondent being an off-taker of all the housing units in question. Put differently, the applicant agreed to sell to NSSA and NSSA agreed to... More

This chamber application was referred to the opposed roll following the filing of opposing papers by the respondent. The application is for registration of a Labour Court order made in favour of the applicant on 13 June 2017 in case No. LC/H/432/17. In terms thereof, the Labour Court decreed as follows; “1. The Draft Ruling of Nhandara N.O. dated 7 March 2016 be and is hereby confirmed. 2. Respondent be and is hereby ordered to pay Humphrey Chikombero the sum of $10 533.53 with effect from 30 days from the date of this order.” The application is made in terms... More

During the period extending from 14 to 18 October 2013, the two respondents who were employed by the appellant joined other employees in a collective job action. The strike was over unpaid salaries. An attempt by the appellant’s management to stop the strike failed leading to the issuance of a disposal order by the Labour Court on 30 October 2013 declaring the job action illegal and directing the workers, who included the respondents, to return to work. More

These were two opposed applications which were heard before me in the opposed roll for the 11th July, 2018. With the concurrence of the applicant these two matters were heard at the same time as the nature of the relief so sought by the applicant was similar in both instances. Case No. HC 6164/17 In case number HC 6164/17 the applicant brought a court application in which he cited The Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission as the respondent. The applicant made a court application in which he referred to as a: “Court application for a mandatory injuction to release... More

This is an appeal against the refusal of bail (pending trial) in the Magistrates’ Court in terms of section 121 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07] More