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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 14 November 2017 plaintiff issued summons for the eviction of the first and second defendants and all those claiming occupation through them from a piece of land known as subdivision 4 of Lot 1 of Buena Vista located in Goromonzi. More

[1] This is an appeal against the order of the High Court discharging with costs a provisional order granted in favour of the appellant on 17 June 2014. More

The applicants are seeking a stay of criminal proceedings that are pending before the second respondent pending the determination of the application for review lodged against a dismissal of their exception to charges preferred against them. More

The plaintiff issued Summons against the defendant claiming a total of US50 000.00 as damages for negligently causing the death of his wife, interest at the prescribed rate from date of demand to date of full payment as well as costs of suit. The amount is made up of US$100.00 for funeral expenses, US$40 000.00 for loss of spousal support and US$9 000.00 for child support. More

On 28 September 2018, I removed the chamber application from the roll. The applicant has not sought the reasons for my decisions to remove the matter from the roll but has written letters seeking to convince the court to revisit the matter and grant the chamber application despite his none compliance with the court directives. The reasons for the removal of the matter are outlined herein. More

This matter is before me on review of ongoing trial proceedings before the magistrate at Kadoma Magistrate Court. More

Afterdisposed of this application which was set down through the urgent chamber bookon 12 June, 2018 the applicant’s legal practitioners addressed a letter to the High Court Registrar on 14 June, 2018. The letter reads, in part, as follows: “The application was dismissed and the reasons were given ex tempore in chambers. We kindly request that we be furnished with the reasons on an urgent basis….. We have instructions to appeal his Lordship’s decision….” More