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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for condonation for late filing of an appeal. The application is opposed. The simple facts of this case are that applicant was a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police “ZRP”. In 2015 he was convicted by the Magistrate for domestic violence. He was sentenced to perform community service of which he did. The applicant was later in October 2015 arraigned before a single trial officer for disciplinary hearing in terms of the Police Act. He was convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of $5. More

These three matters were consolidated at the Pre-trial Conference stage. Because all three raised similar issues, largely involved the same parties and called for evidence from the same witnesses the consolidation for the purposes of a single trial was clearly justified. More

The counsels for the applicants in Case HC 4304/18 by letter dated 29 June 2018 requested that the two matters be consolidated and be heard at the same time. The request was not opposed and it was granted. More

These are two separate applications which are substantially similar, in that they raise the same issues and seek the same kind of relief against the same respondent church. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the magistrate sitting in the Marondera magistrate court. More

The background of the matter as discerned is as follows. The applicant Aaron Shanje and first respondent Ticharwa Murehwa had a mining dispute which was resolved by the second respondent in applicant’s favour. The applicant had argued before second respondent that the first respondent had encroached into the applicant’s mine. After the decision by second and third respondents, first respondent filed for review before this court which review, the applicant in casu is vehemently opposing. More

The applicant approached this court seeking an order for the setting aside of a sale in execution in terms of Order 40 r 359. The background to the matter is that the first respondent obtained a court order against the one Robert Brian Van Rensburg (Robert) the applicant and Mabelreign Drive-in-Cinema for the recovery of the sum of US$396 782.63 jointly and severally the one paying the other to be absolved. The first respondent then caused the attachment and sale in execution of stand 73 Chicago Township, Kwekwe (the property). The applicant is the registered owner of that property. More