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Court Judgements

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The applicant is a Zimbabwean citizen. He seeks a declaration of constitutional invalidity of s 192 (6) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], on the basis that it violates ss 67 (1) (a), 235 (1)(a), 235 (3) and 134 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. In consequence, he seeks that this Court strike down or expunge the words “approved by the Minister” from the impugned provision. More

“Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt-the law will help the vigilant not the sluggard”. See Ndebele v Ncube . This is an application for rescission of judgment in which the relief sought is the setting aside of the judgment of 21 December 2016, handed down by this court under case number HC11456-16. The application is brought in terms of both r 63 and r 449 of the rules of this court, as well as the common law according to the notice of application filed of record on 26 January 2017. More

: The appellant applied for bail pending trial on 14 September, 2018 and he was denied bail. He appealed to the High Court against the magistrates’ decision. More

Applicant made an application to this honourable court in terms of article 34 (2) (b) (ii) of the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration – 1985 as amended and as incorporated in terms of the Arbitration Act [Chapter 7:15]. The application was opposed by the 4threspondent. The 1stto 3rdrespondents, perhaps because of the very nature of their offices decided not to file any papers and abide by any decision of the court. More

This court application was filed on 14 December 2017 by the 4 applicants against the respondent under the heading: “Court application for correction and or variation of a default judgment in terms of rule 449 (1) (a) & (c) of the High Court Rules of Zimbabwe, 1971 and or for Debatement of an account.” The applicants prayed for an order in the following terms which order has also been drawn in the alternative More

This an application made in terms of o 38 r 314 of the High Court Rules 1971 whereby the applicant seeks a review of the taxation of a bill of costs by the second respondent in favour of the first respondent. The bill was taxed on 23 February 2017 and an amount of $79 188.00, excluding VAT was allowed. The applicant was aggrieved by this decision hence the present application. More

The first respondent, Masaisai Trust (the Trust) was born on the 8th March 1999 and it established itself at Corner Lorraine Drive & Neil’s Way Bluffhill Westgate, Harare. Kenias Mafukidze (1st applicant), Anna Brazier, Reuben Gwatidzo (2nd respondent), Charles Howat (5th respondent) and Mugove Walter, Nyika being the founding trustees and settlers. The Trust was established for a fundamental noble idea of forming an educational institution with educational facilities which produces well rounded pupils. It was to be administered by not less than five (5) and not more than ten (10) trustees. The first Trustees were to hold office for... More