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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a chamber application which was made in terms of r 39 (4) of the Rules of the Supreme Court, 1964. The applicant was seeking an order to lead further evidence in a matter which had been heard on appeal in this court and was awaiting judgment. More

On April 27th 2018 applicant filed an urgent chamber application for suspension of a sale in execution of a dwelling in terms of Rule 348A (5b) of the High Court Rules, 1971. In line with rule 348A (6) l treated this matter as urgent. I caused it to be set down for May 2nd at 2.30pm for hearing as soon as it was allocated to me. Opposing papers were duly filed on April 30th 2018, and served. The parties and their legal practitioners appeared before and, by consent, the matter was postponed to May 3rd 2018 at 9.00am to enable... More

: The history of the matter is as follows:-On 15 January 2018, the applicant filed an urgent application for registration of a caveat against a certain property namely subdivision 6 of Lot 1 A Greendale otherwise known as 3 Rhodesville Avenue, Greendale Harare. More

This is an application for dismissal of an application for want of prosecution in accordance with r 236 (4) (b) of the High Court Rules. More

On 26 October, 2017, I granted the following interim relief on the Provisional Order sought by the applicant on an urgent basis: “Terms of the Interim Order granted 1. That pending the finalisation of the Distribution of Estate Late Henry Machingambi DR 2447/15, 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents are interdicted from performing the following at Townlands Farm Masvingo; a) Removing cattle from Townlands Farm, Masvingo. b) Granting permit allowing removal of cattle from Townlands Farm Masvingo. c) Clearing cattle for movement from Townlands Farm Masvingo. d) To refrain from operating the abattoir. e) Andif any cattle had been moved to... More

This is an application for leave to execute pending determination, by the Supreme Court, of the appeal against this court’s judgment under HH 339-18. More

The short history of the matter is that on or about 19 February 2018, the applicants were involved in a shooting incident. On 20 March 2018, they issued summons out of this Honourable Court against the 5 respondents. They alleged in their declaration that first to third respondents, “mercilessly shot and assaulted them” on 19 February 2018 thereby causing them serious injuries. The forth and fifth respondents were sued in their various positions as employers of the first, second and third respondents. That matter was filed under case No. HC 2589/18. It is currently at the pleadings stage. More