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Court Judgements

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The trial before me was a conflict among family members over inheritance. There is credence in the Shona saying, “Pfuma yenhaka inoparadza ukama!” Literally, inheritance destroys family ties. More

The applicant is a medical practitioner. In 2015 he appeared before a disciplinary committee duly constituted in terms of s 112 (2) of the Health Professions Act [Chapter 28:19] facing three counts of performing acts pertaining to the profession or calling in an unethical, improper or disgraceful manner alternatively improper or disgraceful conduct, when regard is had to his profession or calling. More

The parties having agreed that their marriage has irretrievably broken down to the extent that it can longer be restored to a normal marriagesigned a consent paper on 3 July 2017 wherein they agreed on the apportionment of the parties’ movable assets and the issue of the welfare of their major child Shingai Tariro Masenda who is still at university doing his mastersdegree. The parties could not agree on what immovable property constitutes their matrimonial estate and how it should be shared. Resultantly, 2 issues were referred to trial: (a) What immovable property forms part of the matrimonial estate? (b)... More

The plaintiff brings a claim for a house allegedly bought from proceeds of a theft of his gold ore. The plaintiff’s claim is based on the following facts. The first defendant was formerly employed as a mine manager at Chad 7 Mine in Chakari, owned by the plaintiff from March to August 2016. The first defendant stole gold ore from the mine, had it secretly milled without his consent and sold it. He used the proceeds of the theft to purchase house number 1786 Waverly Township, Kadoma and registered it in both his and the second defendant’s names. The defendants... More

: On 18 December, 2015, the applicant applied for a declaratur to the effect that the respondent was in contempt of the court in relation to the court order in case HC 1243/98. More

This is a court application in terms of s 52 (9) (1) of Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:01] seeking an order to set aside the decision of the Master. The facts are simple. The late Patrick Rinos Chirinda died testate on 18 February 2017. His estate was registered with the Master of the High Court. The applicants are children of the deceased though not the only children. The deceased is survived by his wife and children. The last will and testament was attested to on 30 November 2007. More

On the 27th July 2017 I dismissed the plaintiff’s claim and outlined my reasons for that decision. More